Fast n Furious

Fast n Furious
mechanical engineers can become a mechanic ,software engineers cannot become a software....

Jun 17, 2012

Mechanical Design Courses

Design Courses :
  • Auto Cad
  • Catia
  • Ansys

CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies
 Environment Icon Remarks
Non-Hybrid  CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Cannot contain Wire frame, or Surface Elements 
CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Can contain Solids, Wire frame, and Surface Elements 
CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Can contain Solids, Wireframe, and Surface Elements 
 CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Cannot contain Wireframe, or Surface Elements
 Hybrid CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Can contain Solids, Wire frame, and Surface Elements
 CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Cannot contain Wire frame, or Surface Elements
 CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Can contain Solids, Wire frame, and Surface Elements
 CATIA Bodies & Part Bodies Cannot contain Wire frame, or Surface Elements

Importing Toolbars from any workbench to the required workbenchDuring the design process sometimes necessity arises where you to use toolbars in other workbenches in the current workbench.

For example, while working with the Part design workbench, sometimes it is necessary to perform certain tasks using the tools available in the Surfaces toolbar in the Shape design workbench.

Create Boundary for the surface using boundary command. Select the full surface and press OK.

It will pop up Multi-Result management; go for second option (keep one) using an extract.
Select the Complementary mode option and select the outer boundary of the surface, press OK. Again Multi- Result Management will popup; go for third option (Keep all) and press OK.

Helix Curve using a LinePlease follow the Guidelines to create a Helix with Line Command and which is not possible in Helix.
First we have to create the Profiles as shown in the image.
Then we have to create a Swept Surface by using the profiles as shown below.
After that we have to create a point in the edge of the Sweep Surface by using the point command as like below.
Then we have to select the line command and select line type as Angle/Normal to Curve as shown in below image.
Here we can maintain the Pitch in the Angle Value & the Height in End point value.
Finally we get the Helix Curve from Line command

Applications of CATIA :
Commonly referred to as a 3D Product Lifecycle Management software suite, CATIA supports multiple stages of product development (CAx), from conceptualization, design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM), and engineering (CAE). CATIA facilitates collaborative engineering across disciplines, including surfacing & shape design, mechanical engineering, equipment and systems engineering.
CATIA provides a suite of surfacing, reverse engineering, and visualization solutions to create, modify, and validate complex innovative shapes. From subdivision, styling, and Class A surfaces to mechanical functional surfaces.
CATIA enables the creation of 3D parts, from 3D sketches, sheetmetal, composites, molded, forged or tooling parts up to the definition of mechanical assemblies. It provides tools to complete product definition, including functional tolerances, as well as kinematics definition.
CATIA facilitates the design of electronic, electrical as well as distributed systems such as fluid and HVAC systems, all the way to the production of documentation for manufacturing.


ANSYS  is a finite element modelling and analysis tool. It can be used to analyze complex problems in mechanical structures, thermal processes, computational fluid dynamics, magnetics, electrical fields, just to mention some of its applications. ANSYS provides a rich graphics capability that can be used to display results of analysis on a high-resolution graphics workstation.
Lesson 1: Starting ANSYS 

To start ANSYS In ME 308 (itlabs): 

When in doubt, please ask an itlabs consultant. Some are more knowledgable than others, so ask around. 

You must first add the ANSYS module with the following command:
> module add mcad/ansys
Then the command to start ANSYS is simply:
> ansys
You will see a bunch of junk fly by on the screen. Read the liscense agreement (yeah, right) and hit return when prompted. When it stops scrolling, and you see something like \Begin enter the following command at the prompt:
ANSYS's Graphical User Interface (GUI) will appear (see image below). 

(If this does not work, see the lab consultant. The procedure changes from time to time.) 

To start ANSYS On the ME system (grads): 

Do not run ANSYS from Ruby. Use a different machine. 

To activate ANSYS type:
> module load ansys53
This sets up your environment for ansys. If you like, you can place this command in your .cshrc file to do it automatically each time you log in. Once this command has been entered you can run the program by typing:
> ansys53 -g -p ANSYSRF
Press the ENTER key when prompted.

Lesson 1b: Running ANSYS remotely

To run ANSYS remotely from a UNIX workstation:
(I can't guarantee this will work, especially if your company has firewall-type stuff in place. If this doesn't work for some reason, see your local computer geek.)

Telnet to a machine on the itlabs or ME system, for example.

On your local machine ( type:


On jade type the following command

setenv DISPLAY

Now run ANSYS as described above on jade, and the ANSYS windows will appear on your local machine.

If this doesn't work, see the UNIX Help for more info on remote stuff.

Some sgi's on the ME system: jade agate coral topaz quartz (do not use RUBY)

Some suns on the ME system: ena erlang gantt koala lobo ohno opitz

Some itlabs sgi's in ME 308: ny nm az (and many other state abbreviations) 

Lesson 2:
A Steady State Composite Slab

In order to demonstrate solution of thermal problems using ANSYS two conduction problems will be illustrated. The first one is the steady state solution of the temperature field in a composite slab with a hole in one of the slabs. The geometry and boundary conditions under consideration are illustrated in the figure shown below.

In the following the symbol ``\ret'' will be used to indicate that you should hit return on the keyboard. The symbol ``\click'' will be used to ask you to click the first button on the mouse. \click \click will be used to indicate that you should double-click on a particular item.

ANSYS Commands for the Steady State Problem

/units,si \ret (in the grey box)

/title,Steady state slab problem \ret (also in grey box)

Preprocessor \click

Element Type \click
Add/Edit/Delete \click
Add \click
Thermal Solid \click (in library of element types - left box)
Quad 4node 55 \click
OK \click
Close \click

plane55 will produce either quadrilateral or triangular elements for thermal analysis

Material props \click (green menu box on left)
Isotropic \click
Type in a number to identify the material
OK \click
Enter Thermal Conductivity value KXX = 20
Same procedure will be used to enter values of other properties when necessary

OK \click

Repeat the process to enter the KXX value for the second material in the problem

Go to the section labeled Modeling

Create \click
Rectangle \click ( in the Areas section )
By Dimensions \click
Enter dimensions X1,Y1 and X2,Y2 for the left bottom corner and right top corner of the 1st rectangular area respectively.
OK \click

Create \click
Rectangle \click ( in the Areas section )
By Dimensions \click
Enter dimensions X1,Y1 and X2,Y2 for the left bottom corner and right top corner of the 2nd rectangular area respectively.

OK \click

Plot \click (Blue menu on top)
Areas \click
This produces a plot of the two areas you just created and fills the entire view screen with them.

Create \click
Circle \click ( in the Areas section )
By Dimensions \click
Enter the circle radius as RAD1
OK \click
This creates a circle at the left corner of our first rectangle. We want to cut a hole in the rectangle. So we must move this circle from the left bottom corner to the center of the 1st rectangle.

Move/modify \click
Areas \click
Pick the circular are with the mouse
OK \click (green box on the left )
Enter the x and y offsets to place the circular area in the center of our 1st rectangular box.

Plot \click (blue menu on top)
Replot \click

Now we must subtract the circular area from the first rectangle to create the circular hole.
Operate \click (green menu on left)
Subtract \click
Areas \click
Enter 1 (green box on top, used to be grey)
OK \click (green menu on left )
Enter 3 (green box on top)
OK \click (green menu on left)

This should result in a circular hole in area 1.

The two rectangular areas that we created are not joined in any way. We must therefore glue them, letting ANSYS know that they are in contact, to make it one big composite slab.

Operate \click
Glue \click
Areas \click
Pick all \click (green box on left)
OK \click (green box on left)

This will renumber the areas. Now Area 1 is the rectangular area with the hole and Area 2 is the other rectangular area.

It is good to save your work often. To do this
File \click (blue menu on top)
Save as Jobname.db \click

Now we must mesh our model. To do this
Shape & size \click (in the meshing region in the green box on the left)
Global, Other \click
Enter the maximum edge length that you want to allow (I have chosen 1cm, 0.01m). Enter this in the EDGMX field.
OK \click

Mesh \click
Areas, Free \click
Pick all \click (green box on left)
OK \click

Plot \click (Blue menu on top)
Elements \click
This produces a plot of the two areas and the elements created by the meshing procedure.

We have not yet specified the material properties for the two rectangles. These properties are usually assigned to the elements. Now that we have nodes and elements we can go ahead and do that.

Select \click (blue menu on top)
Entities \click
Areas \click (in the blue menu which pops up)
OK \click
This opens up a green box on top.
Enter 1 \ret
OK \click (green box on the left)
Select \click (blue menu on top)
Entities \click
Elements \click (in the blue menu which pops up)
Click on the box which says By Num and select Attached to
Areas \click (top half of menu)
OK \click (bottom of blue menu)

Now ANSYS is pretending to only know about Area 1 and the elements attached to it. If you go:
Plot \click (blue menu top)
Replot \click

You should see:

Now enter
mpchg,1,all \ret (in grey box top-left)
This sets properties corresponding to material 1 defined earlier to the selected elements. Again, ANSYS only knows about the elements we selected above. It does not know about the elements in the second rectangle.

Since we are done with this piece, we must now select everything so ANSYS "remembers" about the rest of the model.
Select \click
Everything \click

Repeat above procedure to select elements attached to area 2 (rectangle on the right side) and set the properties to those of material number 2 defined earlier. Be sure to "select everything" once you have finished.

Let's look at what we did:

PlotCtrls \click (blue menu on top)
Numbering \click
Elem / Attrib numbering \click
select "Material numbers"
OK \click

This should give you a color plot showing the areas and elements. Each element contains a number which refers to the material numbers we just set for each piece. The different material types are also denoted by the different colors.

We have now completed creating a geometric model of our composite slab with a hole and also meshed it for finite element analysis. Note the procedure used to assign different material properties to different regions of the model.

FINISH \click \click (top right corner of screen)

This finishes the preprocessing

Once again it is wise to save the model to a file.

We now proceed to apply the boundary conditions and obtain a steady state solution. Note: All geometry boundaries are adiabatic by default in ANSYS. So if you wish to apply symmetry or zero heat flux boundary conditions at any face of your model you have to do nothing to that face. To go to the solution phase of the problem

Solution \click (green box on left)

Applying temperature boundary conditions

Apply \click (green box on left in the Loads section)
Temperature \click
On nodes \click
Box \click (green box at left)
Draw a box around the left edge of the model to pick these nodes.
OK \click (green box on left)
Enter the temperature 200
OK \click (grey box on top)

Repeat above procedure to apply the temperature boundary condition on the right boundary.

Applying heat transfer coefficient on top surface

Apply \click (green box on left in the Loads section)
Convection \click
On Lines \click
Box \click (green box at left)
Draw a box around the top edge of the model to pick the lines along the top edge.
OK \click (green box on left)
Enter h of 150 for VALI and fluid temperature of 25 for VAL2I
OK \click (grey box on top)

The convection boundary condition was applied to lines which are solid model features. We must transfer this boundary condition to the FE model itself.

to transfer the bc to the FE model:
sbctran \ret (grey box on top)

Now to see the boundary condition:
PlotCtrls \click (blue menu top)
Symbols \click
Surface Load Symbols \click
select "Convect FilmCoef"
Show pres and convect as \click
select "Arrows" \click
OK \click

Applying heat flux on the circular hole surface

First let's zoom in to magnify the circular hole
PlotCtrls \click (blue menu top)
Pan, Zoom, Rotate \click
Box Zoom \click

Draw a box around the hole by getting the left top corner of box by clicking left mouse button and dragging. At final corner of zoom box click the left mouse button again.

Apply \click (green box on left in the Loads section)
Heat flux \click
On lines \click
Use mouse to pick at 4 diametrically opposite points on the edge of the circle. This will select the four lines which make up the circle.
OK \click
Enter the heat flux of 100 for VALI
OK \click (grey box on top)

The heat flux boundary condition was applied to lines which are solid model features. We must transfer these to the FE model. To do this

sbctran \ret (grey box on top)

PlotCtrls \click (blue menu top)
Symbols \click
Surface Load Symbols \click
select "Heat Fluxes"
Show pres and convect as \click
select "Arrows" \click
OK \click
Fit \click (blue zoom box on right)

We do not do any thing to the bottom edge of our model because it is an adiabatic surface by default.

Again this is a good place to save the model.

To obtain a FEM solution

Current LS \click (green box on left in the Solve area)
Close \click (blue summary window) OK \click (green "Solve Current Load Step" window)
Wait for the solution (takes but a few seconds).
Close \click (yellow info window)

Finish \click (green box on left)

This finishes the solution phase of the problem


This is where you get all the nice colored plots !!!

General Postproc \click
Plot results \click
Nodal Solu \click (in the contour plot area)
OK \click

This should give you a nice contour plot of the temperature field in the composite slab. You can ignore the yellow warning message if one comes up. Notice how the contour lines are perpendicular to the bottom edge of the model indicating zero temperature gradient and hence a zero heat flux on that surface. Also notice the non-zero gradient of the contour lines on the edges of the circular hole indicating the presence of the heat inflow.

Finish \click

File \click (blue menu top)
Exit \click
Save Everything \click
OK \click 

Lesson 3:

Transient Conduction

Here the method for obtaining a transient temperature solution is illustrated. This time we have a homogeneous slab with a hole in it. The boundary conditions on this slab are illustrated in the figure shown below. We want to perform calculations for the first 50 seconds after the boundary conditions have been suddenly applied to the slab.

To obtain a transient solution follow the procedure shown below. I am not going to show you how to build the model again because the basic procedure is essentially identical to the one used for the steady state model. I will begin from the point where we enter the solution mode after completing the preprocessing stage.

ANSYS Commands for the Transient Problem

The model creation and element generation stage is very similar to that illustrated in the steady state slab problem. The application of the various loads is also done in a manner similar to that demonstrated in the steady state problem. The following commands will therefore only focus on the specifics of the transient solution method.

To obtain a FEM solution

New Analysis \click (green box on left under Analysis type)
Transient \click
OK \click

Time/Frequency \click (green box on left)
Time and Time step \click
Fill in the particulars as desired
OK \click

Output Ctrls \click
Solu Printout \click
Print Frequency (Every substep)

Output Ctrls \click
DB/Results File \click
File write Frequency (Every substep)
Other \click
Reference Temperature \click
Enter reference temperature
Loads - Apply \click
On nodes \click
Uniform Temperature \click
Enter Initial temperature
OK \click

Current LS \click (green box on left in the Solve area)
OK \click
Wait for solution

Finish \click (green box on left)

This finishes the solution phase of the problem


This is where you get all the nice colored plots !!!

General Postproc \click (top of screen)
By Load Step \click (in the Read Results area)
Enter the Load step and sub step number
OK \click
Nodal solution \click (in the contour plot area)
OK \click

This should give you a nice contour plot of the temperature field in the composite slab. Notice how the contour lines are perpendicular to the edge of the hole and the top and bottom edge of the model indicating zero temperature gradient and hence a zero heat flux on those surface.
Next step \click (to get plots for next time step)
Now repeat plotting procedure.

You can even do cool animations

PlotCtrls \click (blue menu on top)
Animate \click
Contours over time \click
Make sure to click on Temp in the Val1 area \click
OK \click

Finish \click

File \click (blue menu top)
Exit \click
Save Everything \click
OK \click

Lesson 4:
Thermal-Structural Analysis

Next a composite slab thermal-structural model is illustrated. This time we will also solve for the stressed in the materials resulting from differential expansion of two materials.

ANSYS Commands for the Composite Slab Thermal Stress Problem

Get a solution for the temperature field as explained in the previous handout. Chose ``PLANE55'' as your element for the temperature calculations. Make sure you enter all properties namely KXX, EXX, NUXY, and ALPX when you define material properties. Remember in the previous handout you defined only KXX. For this problem you require not only the thermal, but also the structural properties for the two materials. EXX is the Youngs Modulus, NUXY is the poisson's ratio, and ALPX is the coefficient of thermal expansion.


This is where you get all the nice colored plots !!!

General Postproc \click (top of screen)
Plot results \click
Nodal plot \click (in the contour plot area)
OK \click

This should give you the temperature field with 500C on the top of the strip and 20C on the bottom of the strip.

Finish \click


To get the stress solution you must return to PREP7 because we now need to select an element which can handle stresses. Remember ``PLANE55'' is a thermal element.

Preproc \click
ElemType \click
Switch Elem Type \click

This changes the element type from ``PLANE55'' to ``PLANE42''. You see ANSYS is pretty slick. It knows the correct type of 4 noded stress element which is required. Of course if you did not want to use what the program suggests you should go and chose an element as demonstrated in the earlier handout.

Finish \click

Solution \click \click

Now we need to constrain the left edge of our model since that is embedded in a wall and cannot move. This is done by applying zero displacements to the nodes on the left edge.

Select \click (blue menu top)
Entities \click
Nodes \click
OK \click
Box \click (green box at left)
Pick the left edge of rectangular box to mark the nodes on the left edge.
Apply \click (green box on left in the Loads section)
Displacement \click
On Nodes \click
All Dof \click
OK \click

Select \click
Everything \click

Now we need to input the temperatures calculated earlier because the differential thermal expansion is going to create the stress. Temperature \click (green box on left)
From Therm Analy \click
compslab.rth \click (files box)
OK \click

We also need to set the reference temperature for the thermal expansion calculations

Loads \click (green box on left)
Settings \click
Reference Temp \click
Enter reference temperature (say 20C) OK \click

Now solve the problem as in the previous cases.

Finish \click (green box on left)

This finishes the solution phase of the problem


This is where you get all the nice colored plots !!!

General Postproc \click (top of screen)
Plot results \click
Deformed Shape \click (in the contour plot area)
Def + undeformed \click
OK \click

This will show the deformed composite strip and compare it to the undeformed shape.

Using the nodal plot method for temperature contours discussed earlier you can also get plots of various stress components.

Finish \click

File \click (blue menu top)
Exit \click
Save Everything \click
OK \click 


  • Columbia Power wave energy device shape optimization to reduce maintenance costs and breakdowns
  • Indar Electric permanent magnet wind turbine generator optimization for reliable operation
  • University of Arizona antenna performance optimization
  • Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited integrated circuit (IC) design optimization
Consumer products
  • Dyson bladeless fan airflow performance optimization
  • Speedo FASTSKIN3 Racing System drag reduction


ANSYS 13.0 includes a great number of new and advanced features that    

  make it easier, faster and cheaper for customers to bring new products  

  to market, with a high degree of confidence in the ultimate results      

  they will achieve. The product suite delivers new benefits in three      

  major areas:                                                            


      Greater accuracy and fidelity: As engineering requirements and      

  design complexity increase, simulation software must produce more        

  accurate results that reflect changing operating conditions over time.  

      Higher productivity: ANSYS 13.0 includes dozens of features that    

  minimize the time and effort product development teams invest in        


      More computational power:  For some engineering simulations, ANSYS  

  13.0 can provide speedup ratios that are five to 10 times greater than  

  previous software releases. Even complex multiphysics simulations can    

  be accomplished more quickly and efficiently, speeding up product        

  development and market launch initiatives.                              


  ANSYS 13.0 builds on the foundation of previous ANSYS releases, taking  

  product development to the next level by continuing the evolution of    

  Smart Engineering Simulation. By compressing design cycles, optimizing  

  product performance across multiple physics, maximizing the accuracy    

  of virtual prototypes, and automating the simulation process, ANSYS is  

  making it easier and faster than ever to bring innovative new products  

  to market — which has become imperative in today’s difficult economy.    




 1. Unpack&Install

 2. Read .txt from /MAGNiTUDE dir

 3. Enjoy!

ANSYS 13.0 Release Highlights

ANSYS 13.0 includes a great number of new and advanced features that make it easier, faster and cheaper for customers to bring new products to market, with a high degree of confidence in the ultimate results they will achieve. The product suite delivers new benefits in three major areas:

•Greater accuracy and fidelity: As engineering requirements and design complexity increase, simulation software must produce more accurate results that reflect changing operating conditions over time.

•Higher productivity: ANSYS 13.0 includes dozens of features that minimize the time and effort product development teams invest in simulation.

•More computational power: For some engineering simulations, ANSYS 13.0 can provide speedup ratios that are five to 10 times greater than previous software releases. Even complex multiphysics simulations can be accomplished more quickly and efficiently, speeding up product development and market launch initiatives.

ANSYS 13.0 builds on the foundation of previous ANSYS releases, taking product development to the next level by continuing the evolution of Smart Engineering Simulation. By compressing design cycles, optimizing product performance across multiple physics, maximizing the accuracy of virtual prototypes, and automating the simulation process, ANSYS is making it easier and faster than ever to bring innovative new products to market — which has become imperative in today’s difficult economy.

» ANSYS Workbench Framework

» Meshing

» Fluid Dynamics

» Structural Mechanics

» Electromagnetics

» Multiphysics

» Data and Process Management

ANSYS Workbench Framework  

Improved Multi-Design Point Evaluation

Product engineers can engage the improved multi-design point evaluation feature to reduce the amount of time and computer resources necessary. When performing a design point update, only the design points affected by a change to the project will be marked as out of date.

Those design points related to changes irrelevant to the parametric study will not be affected. For example, when adding a standalone system or making a change downstream of the study, design points will not go out of date. Only out-of-date components and systems will be updated during an update operation.

Example of a parametric design point in ANSYS Workbench

ANSYS DesignXplorer Accuracy

When performing sensitivity analyses or optimization based on response surface techniques, the user needs to determine the accuracy of the response surface and, therefore, the trustworthiness of the approximation. A good approximation is required to extract meaningful results from sensitivity studies. Several new features in ANSYS DesignXplorer software reinforce the accuracy of the results.

New design of experiment (DOE) schemes are now available. Sparse grid, for example, is a dynamic DOE response type that features automatic adaptive refinement. This capability adds design points based on response surface gradients until the relative error drops below a certain threshold.

Accuracy can be checked visually by using these sampling points (from the design of experiments) in combination with additional verification points. These points are plotted against the estimated response surface. Points close to the diagonal are more accurate when compared with the response surface.

Automated adaptive refinement (top) and accuracy assessment (bottom) using ANSYS DesignXplorer

Microsoft Excel Interoperability

Microsoft® Excel® is one of the most widely applied tools for engineering. Used for creating analytical representations of some models, it can also be used to define parameter tables that will drive a CAD model. With ANSYS 13.0, the ANSYS Workbench platform can interact with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, resulting in improved productivity.

An Excel system is available within ANSYS Workbench component systems that can exchange parameters with ANSYS DesignXplorer software and the parameter set bar. Parameters can be flagged in Excel using the name a range method. Excel can be used as a solver within the ANSYS Workbench project. Optimization can be conducted based on Excel-calculated parameters, such as cost. In addition, the Excel system can introduce a reduced-order model (ROM) coupled with parameters from other systems on the project page.

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet linked to ANSYS Workbench project


CutCell Meshing

CutCell meshing is a general-purpose meshing technique that produces almost all hexahedral elements on complex 3-D geometry automatically. This meshing algorithm is suitable for a large range of applications, is useful for meshing fluid bodies in both single and multibody parts, and is very easy to set up.

Hexahedral mesh automatically generated for F-1 car

Virtual Split Edge

While automated meshing is important for speedy solutions, engineers require advanced meshing controls to allow interaction with the model. Using both automated and manual meshing techniques can maximize productivity.

The new virtual split edge feature, part of the virtual topology tool for the simulation application, allows splitting of one edge into two virtual edges. The user can define the location of the split either by picking the location in the geometry window or by specifying a numerical value in the details view. This new feature brings several new capabilities:

•Producing a more uniform or more controlled mesh through manual manipulation

•Defining vertices to apply loads and boundary conditions when they are not present in the geometry

Vertice definition (left) and controlled mesh (right) produced with virtual split edge feature

Fluid Dynamics  

Turbulence Models

ANSYS 13.0 contains many new and improved turbulence models that allow physical phenomena to be captured more accurately.

•An embedded large eddy simulation (LES) option allows computation of an LES solution in part of the flow domain while a RANS model is used to model the rest of the domain. While LES is more time consuming because of the complexity of the phenomena, RANS runs much faster. Combining both models to enforce LES only in the areas of interest allows speedup of the computation while maintaining accuracy.

•A key addition for turbulence modeling in ANSYS CFX software is the bounded central difference (BCD) discretization scheme to avoid unphysical wiggles (solution oscillations) that could appear in scale-resolving simulations such as LES/DES/SAS.

•Access to the k-omega model for multiphase cases has been added to ANSYS FLUENT software. This capability extends support to the full range of two-equation turbulence models in this product.

•ANSYS FLUENT now contains the scale-adapted simulation (SAS) turbulence model, which is an unsteady RANS approach for accurately modeling separated flows quickly without using LES.

Fully developed channel flow simulated with embedded LES

Unphysical wiggles (left) can be prevented (right) with the BCD scheme in scale-resolving simulations

Wake structure behind F-1 car wheel simulated with SAS

Mesh Swapping and Remeshing

New capabilities have been introduced to increase accuracy using better mesh quality.

•Key-frame mesh swapping allows a discrete change in the mesh during the solution based on a sequence of pregenerated meshes. At each mesh swap, the current solution is interpolated onto the new mesh. Meshes to be swapped must have the same region topology. The mesh can be smoothed between swaps. Dynamic mesh events can be used to define the time and file name for each mesh swap during a simulation. The key-frame mesh swapping approach complements ANSYS FLUENT software’s built-in remeshing options for transient moving and deforming mesh cases.

•A Cartesian remeshing capability added in ANSYS 13.0 increases accuracy. Cartesian remeshing is available for remeshing entire regions (that do not have conformal connections to adjacent regions) during simulations using a new option for the dynamic mesh model. Manual Cartesian remeshing of entire regions is available to allow easy switching from tetrahedral meshes to Cartesian meshing technology without having to return to the pre-processor.

Mesh swapping used for in-cylinder engine simulation

Cartesian remeshing for in-cylinder engine simulation

Multiphase Flow

Additional multiphase capabilities have been added to ANSYS 13.0 to address more applications with greater reliably and accuracy as well as to meet users’ evolving CFD needs.

•A new Eulerian nucleate boiling model allows simulation of subcooled boiling at walls, including nonequilibrium subcooled boiling and superheated vapor.

•The suite incorporates the full release of the compressive discretization scheme (which was beta at ANSYS 12.0). This new scheme is faster and generates results similar to the standard VOF formulation for time-accurate transient analysis.

•For Lagrangian multiphase, a packing limit option has been added to the dense discrete phase model (DDPM) to prevent unlimited accumulation of particles. This option allows simulation of suspensions and flows such as bubbling fluidized bed reactors operating at the packing limit conditions. It also allows for polydispersed particle systems.

•The Kelvin–Helmholtz; Rayleigh–Taylor (KHRT) breakup model is an addition to ANSYS FLUENT software's suite of spray breakup models. KHRT is an advanced model for simulating primary and secondary droplet breakup at high Weber numbers.

•The new coupled level-set method is an alternative to the VOF model for interface tracking. It offers some improvements in computing gradients and curvature as well as a better prediction of surface tension force.

Contours of vapor volume fraction in nuclear fuel assembly